Applying to Become a Stockist for AnChi House
If you’re interested in becoming a stockist for AnChi House, please email us at [email protected].
- Title your email “wholesale request” + your shop name.
- Copy & paste the following into your email and type in your answers:
- Name of store + website:
- Location:
- Years in business:
- Type of products sold:
- Other major brands sold:
If we are able to wholesale to your shop, you will typically receive a reply within 1-3 weeks.
Finalizing Your Application & Purchasing Wholesale
After we’ve confirmed you as a stockist and you’ve received our wholesale policies, follow these steps to purchase wholesale through our website:
- Create an account.
- Request that we convert your account to a wholesale account by emailing [email protected].
- TITLE YOUR EMAIL “wholesale activation” + your shop name.
- Include your official business name, tax ID, and resale tax certificate number for verification.
Once your account has been set up, you will place orders via email, with a pre-filled cart sent to you thereafter. As with retail orders, shipping will be calculated at checkout, and payment may be made via PayPal or credit card.